In a cataclysm known as the Nightfall, the worlds were almost completely destroyed by a harrowing surge of darkness.
In the shadows of the ensuing chaos a new group has taken shape. Led by an Aegyl named Kalos, the 11th Hour touts an esoteric knowledge of how to combat the darkness and restore the worlds. They might be the worlds’ best chance at survival; but nobody really knows enough about them to confirm or deny their claims.
On the brink of collapse, the universe holds its breath in anticipation. Of restoration? Of destruction? It is up to individuals like yourself to decide.
A special thank you to ChasingArtwork of Deviantart, who allowed us to use this stellar banner image.
There aren't enough praises in the world I'd like to give to wonderful coders for the Proboards community. The following have contributed to World Destiny in some way: W3 Schools for countless how-tos and countless of other souls who have helped get WD up to where it is.
The icons you see across the site are from FontAwesome, an amazing icon library.
All images on this site belong to their respective owners or creators. Kingdom Hearts: World Destiny does not claim ownership of anything except our unique story.
All Original characters are the intellectual property of their respective RPers. Do not steal any characters or other creative works.
All Canon Characters belong to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, Square Enix and Disney.
Prowling around was the thing Seed just loved to do. Peoples houses, creepy alley ways. Pretty much anything he could look through. But having an entire Tower to himself. What could be better? Well....stealing Hearts always gave Seed thrills. But no time for that, three little wands were what he was searching for.
"Here little, little wands." Seed said in a childish tone as if he were talking to a cat or dog. Looking..down from the ceiling, Seed gave a quick scan for any type of hidden passage way or room. Being in a tower that bent Space at certain stairwells could prove to be a problem. Go in one portal you may end up right back were you started. But being the intellectual being that he is, Seed knew that something as important as MAGIC wands would not be just on the ground in a random room. They would be heavily guarded. So he hoped.
Slowly lowering himself useing his wind magic, Seed made his way to an oddly colored, glowing red portal. Tilting his head abit he said to a illusinary clone of himself he just made. "Seems a little....obvious don't you think?" The other replied, "But if you squint your eyes it looks like a potatoe.". True, it did. Seed un-tilted his head and ran inside the red portal leaving behind his clone , now slowly dissapearing.
Not much was inside. Simple 3-walled Blue, Green, and Red room. Oh and a small box with a note on it. Walking to it Seed picked up the note and read it. "Wands at the cleaners" "Find replacements in Mirrors". Seed actually laughed at this. Why would they put replacements in mirrors...wait? Wern't there mirrors in that other room? Time to go back to Elaeus and Ienzo. Seed opened up a portal around himself and dissapeared. But not before some pesky Nobodies came pouring into the room and flung themselves into Seeds portal. Defense Mechanisism? Who knows.
(Just put Seeds arivial in your next post. Thanks.)
Post by sagefirefox on Mar 31, 2009 20:00:35 GMT -4
3… 2… 1… showtime. She had heard Elaeus mention her name several times now, and she decided it was best to make an entrance. Of course she wasn't an idiot, which was why Elaeus or Ienzo or Seed the shiny little sphere that had sent out a pulse to her every time they said her name. She couldn't hear the conversation though, which is why they didn't know that she had recently attained her Heartless.
Relena tugged at the fabric of her silver cloak, this was a mission and she didn't want to look like an ordinary person anymore, she wanted to be herself. Because of this she was wearing a shiny cloak that rippled lightly every time she moved. Of course she was standing outside the tower, so that Elaeus or Ienzo hopefully couldn't recognize or sense her presence. On her feet were the same coloured boots, a trade-in for her normal tan ones.
But enough about her outfit, it was time to get the show on the road. She smoothly maneuvered her way into the tower, getting around until she could find the throbbing of her sphere that was giving out a pulse. She didn't know how it got through the portal that met her eyes, but however it did, it wasn't her problem. The portal had a certain opening mechanism, one of those where you have to be the person that created it to step through. And lo-and-behold, this was most likely a portal created by Elaeus.
"You've got to be kidding me..." she muttered, though throwing in a few choice words while she did. She wasn't the master of portalling, but the least she could do was try. As she closed her eyes and searched to get inside of the room, she ran into a block. It was normal for a room that gave off such immense power, but it didn't hurt to try.
Now her sphere entered panic mode, beating faster and now stupidly letting the energy reach Ienzo and Elaeus. She could sense their presence now, the sphere however not giving away anything else. Relena sighed and walked over to the portal. "Elaeus, it's me, let me. The hell. In." She was not having any of this, and quickly pulled out her 8 spheres.
Slowly they shifted and molded, a technique she knew none of the Dark members saw, with the exception of Myde who tricked her into showing their power once. The end result was a wickedly sharp knife, so sharp that when she tested the sharpness on her finger, blood appeared. Blood, on a Heartless, that was one of the mysteries of them. Blood is created and replenished by the heart pumping the platelets throughout the body, but without a heart, where did the new blood cells come from?
She didn't know, and instead shoved her finger in her mouth, to wince slightly and clean the blood off, which made her stomach faintly growl. There it was again, another mystery, Heartless didn't need to eat to survive, but they grew hungry. So many errors in the design, if only she didn't come with the ability to bleed and get hungry.
The tip of the knife was placed against the wall and she sunk the blade in. Next to her was the portal, which Relena had given up any hope of having Elaeus let her in. Maybe he didn't hear her, or maybe he was too busy making a crack about the frantic sphere. She could feel the metal sawing through the worn wood, it was a wonder the tower was still standing even though she was busy sawing away at one of its support beams. The sawing got more difficult and she molded teeth into the knife blade, working her way down the wall.
She successfully had a line made in the wall, the start of a door. Sure it was stupid by leaving traces of the Dark XII's existence here, but the wall could be remolded and fixed, and then Seed could have fun making it look old and worn out. Plus, the knife didn't exactly carry a dark presence around it--one of the perks of her power. It was like a bow, crafted by one's hands, not by energy like Braig's.
No one could exactly place their finger on whose knife this was. Because the steel spheres weren't in their original form, they carried somewhat of a signature on them, but nothing that would clue anyone in on whose they were.
Finally she got a second--a bit crooked too--line down the wall, and begun to work on connecting them. Funny how no one sought out to make this wall a little more sturdy and tough. Maybe it was originally, but old age must have worn it down, and it possibly could have had termite damage. Somewhere she had heard that one in ten houses had termite damage, what if this was one of them? It was a preposterous through but one that wasn't plausible.
As her knife connected the dots--or rather lines--she felt a sense of relief. The knife hadn't cut all the way through, that was a given, but with a nice little roundhouse kick she could see the wall giving way under her new boots. It took a little more than one kick, but the wall gave one last groan and collapsed inwards.
She believed it was quite the entrance. Her shadow could be seen only after a couple seconds after the dust had settled, and even then they couldn't make out her change in attire. She waited patiently, with a hand on her hip, the other palm-down splayed out at the fingertips. The sphere quickly shot up into her palm and she snapped her hands closed, tucking it away in her pocket. The knife was in her other hand and she quickly shoved it into the bag where it split apart before the tip could cut through the fabric.
Now that the dust that was released when the wall hit the floor settled, she could see Elaeus sitting and Ienzo right next to him, both wearing cloaks, though Ienzo was in need of a new one. "Thanks for letting me in." she commented dryly as her sapphire eyes locked with Elaeus. "Let's get down to business, shall we?"[/b]
((Seph's got nothing on me. xD Mind if I join?))
Mar 31, 2009 20:00:35 GMT -4
Last Edit: Mar 31, 2009 20:01:26 GMT -4 by sagefirefox
Post by Ellie who has 0% on Apr 5, 2009 20:18:56 GMT -4
Ears perked up at a distant sound. It was irritating as it moved swiftly through the building. Being a manipulator of earth, he can sometimes pick up and ignore the movement traveling through it, but soon the ringing in his ears ceased. Thank goodness for a moment he had almost forgotten what Ienzo had asked of him, but something else had distracted him.
A scent it was. A distant presence that was far to familiar raked his nerves. His brows narrowed for a moment as he contemplated on what it was. It was too familiar and unforgettable. He was around that present for quite some times and even years. His crystalline eyes locked into a daze as memories flushed his mind. He didn't even acknowledge Seed emerging in from a portal with the stench of nobodies. A number of dusks were trying to squirm in after him and succeed, but Elaeus didn't even registered their existence.
"Now now you will fit well in here. There are five other young men that you will be coinciding with. Oh, there's one now."
The voice became more clear as the door opened. A young man cloaked in a white experimental robe leaned over to peer in a microscope. A gloved hand twisted a scope to zoom in on the specimen that laid in the petri dish.
The memory was a blur. He couldn't remember what he was looking at. Even his memory made that particular detail an actual blur for his lack of memory. His ears were muted momentarily as if focused to hear a thought as the a portion of a wall caved in and hit to floor. His hair moved slightly with the breeze of the falling wall. His sensitive eyes never blinked at the dubris, nor did his eyelids reacted to protect them from it. Long ago he had assured himself that he wasn't human. Such reaction had ceased when he started to accept himself for he was now, a heartless.
"Elaeus, can you take a moment please? I would like for you to meet someone."
His face, Elaeus, was a bit different. It wasn't as round, but slightly narrow. His hair was the same hue, but long and bounded up in a pony tail. His eyes were a soft blue lacking the tint of gold that was starting to form from his long stay in darkness.
"Of-course Master Ansem." He recieved a chuckle for his politeness from his mentor, Ansem the Wise. His hair was at his shoulders and pale blonde hair. It was so light that in the bright lights it looked white, but his face lacked the aged look. The ruler looked even youthful with the sea-salt icecream popsicle in his hand.
Elaeus' eyes moved over and blinked at the sore sight of bright white hair. Was this the person Ansem had wanted him to meet? He looked around his age. His face was soft and gentle compared to the face many would remember him by in the future.
"Elaues I would like for you to meet Xehanort. He will be working with you, I, and the others."
All though the male looked harmless, his eyes looked so distant and lost....anonymous with a heavy presence hard to shake off as he spoke, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Ienzo paled and stood up suddenly, the books crashing to the floor. His silver eyes scanned the area, and Sin sent a pulse through the shadows to detect movement. Nothing. But the look on Elaeus' face was too grim to just let it slide. What could possible be moving so close?
He heard a strange noise and Relena intered, as Seed spouted off at the head. But he held a finger up. "Shh... Listen."
What was it? He watched Elaeus' eyes and prepared himself for the worst. Sin's tattoo began to move on his skin, preparing to be summoned at a moment's notice. Ienzo blew a lost strand of hair from his face, his muscles tightened in anticipation.