In a cataclysm known as the Nightfall, the worlds were almost completely destroyed by a harrowing surge of darkness.
In the shadows of the ensuing chaos a new group has taken shape. Led by an Aegyl named Kalos, the 11th Hour touts an esoteric knowledge of how to combat the darkness and restore the worlds. They might be the worlds’ best chance at survival; but nobody really knows enough about them to confirm or deny their claims.
On the brink of collapse, the universe holds its breath in anticipation. Of restoration? Of destruction? It is up to individuals like yourself to decide.
A special thank you to ChasingArtwork of Deviantart, who allowed us to use this stellar banner image.
There aren't enough praises in the world I'd like to give to wonderful coders for the Proboards community. The following have contributed to World Destiny in some way: W3 Schools for countless how-tos and countless of other souls who have helped get WD up to where it is.
The icons you see across the site are from FontAwesome, an amazing icon library.
All images on this site belong to their respective owners or creators. Kingdom Hearts: World Destiny does not claim ownership of anything except our unique story.
All Original characters are the intellectual property of their respective RPers. Do not steal any characters or other creative works.
All Canon Characters belong to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, Square Enix and Disney.
Promotional Event: New characters who register by March 25 will receive 300 Munny! [img src=""][/div] [/blockquote][/blockquote]
JCInk Ad Code: [align=center][][img][/img][/url][/align]
Promotional Event: New characters who register by March 25 will receive 300 Munny! [/center]
With the fall of Organization XIII, peace was restored. But this peace was little more than the calm before the storm.
Clawing, thrashing, and baring its teeth, the Darkness countered the growing strength of the Light with everything it had.
One by one, worlds began to crumble and fade, succumbing to the disease of the Dark. Few sanctuaries from the blight remain, and those that do house inhabitants from far-flung places.
Some may fall to the Darkness, consumed by their fear; their anger at the Light for failing to keep the world safe. Others are drawn to the Light in this time of distress.
The Denizens of Light have an incredible burden : one last chance to transpose the destruction and bring restoration to the collapsing worlds. Their hearts and souls must not be marred by the swathing Darkness. Yet the Dark has a way of luring even the most stalwart of souls.
Many adventurers are gathering, reborn into one of the last sanctuaries still standing. Whether or not they have the power to turn the tides and defeat the Darkness will depend on the strength of their hearts.
Promotional Event: New characters who register by March 25 will receive 300 Munny!
Proboards Ad Code: [blockquote][blockquote][div style="text-align:center;"][a style="font-size:10pt;" href=""][img style="max-width:100%;" src=""][/a][/div][i] With the fall of Organization XIII, peace was restored. But this peace was little more than the calm before the storm.
Clawing, thrashing, and baring its teeth, the Darkness countered the growing strength of the Light with everything it had.
One by one, worlds began to crumble and fade, succumbing to the disease of the Dark. Few sanctuaries from the blight remain, and those that do house inhabitants from far-flung places.
Some may fall to the Darkness, consumed by their fear; their anger at the light for failing to keep the world safe. Others are drawn to the light in this time of distress.
The Denizens of Light have an incredible burden : one last chance to transpose the destruction and bring restoration to the collapsing worlds. Their hearts and souls must not be marred by the swathing Darkness. Yet the Dark has a way of luring even the most stalwart of souls.
Many adventurers are gathering, reborn into one of the last sanctuaries still standing. Whether or not they have the power to turn the tides and defeat the Darkness will depend on the strength of their hearts.
[div align="center"] [ul type="disc"][li]+ Original Characters welcome +[/li][li]+ Canon Characters available +[/li][li]+ Post Dream Drop Distance timeline + [/li][li]+ Promotional Event: New characters who register by March 25 will receive 300 Munny! +[/li][/ul]
JCInk Ad Code: [align=center][][img][/img][/url][/align]
[i] With the fall of Organization XIII, peace was restored. But this peace was little more than the calm before the storm.
Clawing, thrashing, and baring its teeth, the Darkness countered the growing strength of the Light with everything it had.
One by one, worlds began to crumble and fade, succumbing to the disease of the Dark. Few sanctuaries from the blight remain, and those that do house inhabitants from far-flung places.
Some may fall to the Darkness, consumed by their fear; their anger at the light for failing to keep the world safe. Others are drawn to the light in this time of distress.
The Denizens of Light have an incredible burden : one last chance to transpose the destruction and bring restoration to the collapsing worlds. Their hearts and souls must not be marred by the swathing Darkness. Yet the Dark has a way of luring even the most stalwart of souls.
Many adventurers are gathering, reborn into one of the last sanctuaries still standing. Whether or not they have the power to turn the tides and defeat the Darkness will depend on the strength of their hearts.
[align=center] + Original Characters welcome + + Canon Characters available + + Post Dream Drop Distance timeline + + Promotional Event: New characters who register by March 25 will receive 300 Munny! + [/align]
ForuMotion Ad Code: [center][img][/img]
[i]With the fall of Organization XIII, peace was restored. But this peace was little more than the calm before the storm.
Clawing, thrashing, and baring its teeth, the Darkness countered the growing strength of the Light with everything it had.
One by one, worlds began to crumble and fade, succumbing to the disease of the Dark. Few sanctuaries from the blight remain, and those that do house inhabitants from far-flung places.
Some may fall to the Darkness, consumed by their fear; their anger at the Light for failing to keep the world safe. Others are drawn to the Light in this time of distress.
The Denizens of Light have an incredible burden : one last chance to transpose the destruction and bring restoration to the collapsing worlds. Their hearts and souls must not be marred by the swathing Darkness. Yet the Dark has a way of luring even the most stalwart of souls.
Many adventurers are gathering, reborn into one of the last sanctuaries still standing. Whether or not they have the power to turn the tides and defeat the Darkness will depend on the strength of their hearts.[/i]
+ Original Characters welcome + + Canon Characters available + + Post Dream Drop Distance timeline + + Promotional Event: New characters who register by March 25 will receive 300 Munny! +